I've only been working on this product for MONTHS now!!!
I posted this pic on Instagram in APRIL!!!!!
And now it's FINALLY done!!!!!!!!!
Five hands on math center activities to work on comparing numbers to 1,000! With student directions, recording sheets, and lots of activity cards!
I used Math Tubs in my classroom as my form of Morning Work- students came into the classroom, got themselves situated, and then began their Math Tub with their table team. If you were to walk into my classroom during this time, you would see kids spread around the classroom on the floor or at tables, talking and working away on these. I always loved this time in our classroom because everyone was engaged, I was able to get situated and deal with anything I needed to first thing in the am {attendance, collecting paperwork, parens at the door, etc}, students enjoyed doing the hands on work, they loved being able to chit chat while they worked first thing in the morning, I was able to get some legit review math skills in, AND they never got bored because I switched the tubs daily. In other words, I would prep five tubs (plus one day was computer time), and then just rotate the tubs around the tables each morning. These lasted me about two weeks since the tubs would revisit each table the follow week. Does this make sense....?

Tubs are from Dollar Tree! Beautiful labels are from
Amy Groesbeck!
Math Tub time!!!
Anyways.... here are the five Comparing Numbers to 1,000 tubs!
Tub 1: Students place sets of four numbers in order from least to greatest. This tub focuses on comparing the hundreds place.
Tub 2: Students group numbers cards according to whether they are greater than, less than, or equal to 500. The number cards include numbers represented with words, in standard form, and base ten blocks.
Tub 3: Students create a number sentence using the words 'greater than," "less than," and "equal to." This tub gives students experience comparing numbers based on the hundreds, tens, AND ones place.
Tub 4: Students place 25 number cards in order from least to greater, similar to a hundreds chart. Students compare hundreds, tens, and ones.
Tub 5: Students create a number sentence using the symbols <, >, and =. This tub gives students experience comparing numbers based on the hundreds, tens, AND ones place.
Click HERE to download Tub #2 for FREE! (It's the one that was in the Instagram pic!)
And click HERE to check out the whole pack on TpT!
I will email this unit to the first 15 people who pin any picture from this post! Just leave a link to your pin in the comments on this blog post with your email address and I'll send it your way!!!
Annnnnnnnd!!! Make sure to head over to a new collaborative blog I'll be a part of! See Mama Teach! A blog about balancing being a mom and teaching! There's an awesome giveaway going on {to Target AND TpT!!!!} and you can meet all of the mama contributors and see a ton of cute kids! :)
Have a great week!