What Was I Thinking Wednesday

That's what I asked myself around 8:15 a.m. this morning...

Our writing block is first thing in the morning. I found this adorable writing idea on Pinterest...

                                                                          Source: fanaticallyfirstgrade.blogspot.com via Jana on Pinterest

And I knew I needed to adapt it to second grade! It goes perfectly with common core opinion writing!!!

I was super excited because I knew my kiddos would be so excited and super engaged with this prompt: In your opinion, which Hershey kiss is the best?

Apparently, though, I didn't think it through when I gave my 23 second graders (who are beginning to suffer from a bad case of Spring fever anyways) four, yes four, Hershey kisses at 8 o'clock in the morning....

We had to taste test them all to get our honest opinion...(I'll know better next time!!!)

At 8am people. Seriously, what was I thinking???? They were bouncing. Off. The. Walls. 

If only you could see the excitement and anticipation in their eyes...oh boy.

Once I threatened them managed to get them settled down, they did some really great writing. 

In my "Notes for next year", I wrote, DO THIS LESSON IN THE AFTERNOON...Preferably 10 minutes before dismissal!!!

Thanks to Johanna


for the adorable (and very exciting) writing idea! :)

How was your Wednesday!!!??? 



  1. Boy do I wish I was in your class today. That is a fabulously fun activity and I could use some fun right now! Now I need to follow this blog!

  2. How fun!! Thanks for sharing this find, I am going to save it for next year!!

    Primarily Speaking

  3. This was such a great writing activity. Thanks for sharing your idea! My class loved it!

    A Little Tech

  4. Is it possible to get a copy of the organizer you used?

  5. I do a descriptive writing prompt with one piece of snack size chocolate and the students use their senses to review it. They usually do some of their best writing for that one, but don't get too riled up because it's only one little chocolate candy and most of their prewriting is done before they get to the last of the senses, taste.

  6. That organizer is great! Where did you find it? I would love a copy too, if possible. Thankyou! mrsrobinson@hotmail.com

  7. I would also love to try this and the graphic organizer. So cleaver. Thanks for sharing. Jaimeeoneill@comcast.net

  8. OMG!! Thank you so much for sharing this!! I LOVE this idea! I did opinion writing with my 3rd graders a few weeks ago, and they were HORRIBLE!! (the writing) This looks like it will really guide them to write so much better! And what a FUN idea! Yay!!

  9. I really love the graphic organizer. Could I please get a copy? Thanks, Lindsay

  10. I love this graphic organizer too! Can I get a copy? Thank you so much! Bethfund@gmail.com

  11. I love the organizer. Could I get a copy? deanna.struck@westernschools.org Thanks!!

  12. I think I'm going to try this. We've been out for snow the last few days and this would be a great way to get my kiddos going with their writing skills. Before we were out for snow, we were working on facts and opinions so this will be a good way to revisit that skill. Thanks for sharing.

  13. I would love a copy of your organizer or a link to print it. deanna.struck@westernschools.org

  14. We are starting our Hershey Kiss opinion writing this week. Could I please get a copy of your graphic organizer that you used? Thank you! bsbillingslea@atlanta.k12.ga.us

  15. Can I get a copy of your organizer as well? Great idea!!! hsease99@hotmail.com

  16. Would you be willing to share your graphic organizer? I love the idea seems so fun! Thanks
